With the conclusion of a long racing season (with very mixed results) and the traditional time off the bike in order, I had been thinking of how to spend this time. Historically I have found it difficult to take 2 weeks off the bike. But with Mrs. Sabin Waugaman headed to Europe working for 2 weeks, this seemed like the perfect chance to get off the bike and “off the grid”. I had jumped through some fairly large hoops and finally had our official permits to enter Mexican waters. For the next two weeks I was pointed south where I would cruise along Baja California, Mexico and in and around Ensenada.
Lying in bed that night before we were to say goodbye for 2 weeks and head to opposite ends of the earth, my lovely bride requested that we experience Mexico and Ensenada together - a reasonable if not untimely request.
The next morning I had formulated a new “loose plan” to head north to Santa Catalina Island, a place that I/we had been several times before, but always to the same location. - Avalon. And there are literally dozens of other places - both on Catalina Island and also along to way that would provide discovery and adventure.
It's true, the most popular/touristy port in Catalina is Avalon, but, for me it's a perfect balance of modern amenities and relaxation.
As I idled away from the slip and out of Shelter Island Yacht Basin I was high with anticipation. I was running a mental preparedness checklist. One of the things I like best about the ocean is that you are not the Big Man on Campus. You need to be prepared 7and respectful of her; regular engine checks when underway, diligent maintenance, always cleaning and checking everything mechanical. Our boat - a 50' Ocean Alexander is like a floating home; two bathrooms, showers, toilets, plumbing, 3 AC units, duplicate sets of electronics, stoves, refrigerators - not to mention 2 big ol’ Yanmar diesel engines, generator, shaft seals, fuel polishers, fresh water systems, sewer systems, and on and on...
Below is a list of the unexpected “challenges” as well as some observations on my recent trip to Catalina.
Shaft Seal Issues & Bailing Water
The lubrication tube on the port shaft seal came off spilling water into the bilge. This is not the first time this has occurred. I noticed an unusual sound coming from the exhaust and stopped the motors to check. One of the hose clamps had snapped. Luckily, the last time this happened I bought extra clamps. It only took 15 minutes to re-attach the hose and bail 4-5 gallons of salt water from the bilge.
Major Fog Bank
Coming into Avalon on day 1, I encountered a major fog bank. This was my first chance to rely almost 100% on radar. I could see boats within 1 mile off my bow on the radar but could not sight them. With the MARPA function on the radar I was able to lock onto them and let the computer tell me their path and speed. It worked great! With each one of these small incidents I am gaining experience and confidence that I could navigate a night passage.
Yanmar Gauge
For some reason, the port engine gauge stopped working. The unit downstairs on the salon helm works just fine. Also, recently I have a data connection installed so that I can read engine data from my MFD. This came in handy while operating from the bridge. Every once in a while I switched to the MFD just to make sure that everything was kosher on the port engine. Redundant systems – that’s what I’m all about!
Unpredictable Weather
Each time I leave the docks it seems like I learn something. I’m certain that sea captains who have been out here for decades are still learn things each time they are at sea. Maybe they don’t technically learn anything, but rather just expect there to be challenges. One thing that I am learning is that it is impossible for everything to go according to the plan. Rather, the expectation should be to have multiple unexpected things occur and just hope that you have been through enough with preparations and alert enough to catch things before they cause a catastrophe.
A shining example of the unpredictable weather came on my first night at Avalon. Shortly after noontime the harbor patrol came by to report that they were expecting 50+ knot winds. They suggested if at all possible, I should find another port. I had checked and rechecked the weather before leaving San Diego the night before. No Santa Ana's forecasted. But based on the latest recommendation from the guys at Avalon Harbor, I checked the forecast again. I didn't necessarily find any reports of NE winds but I decided to take the advice and get out of dodge. I decided to slip around the south rim of the island and take an outside passage to Catalina Harbor, thinking that if the wind would be blowing out of the Northeast, I would be on the leeward side of the island.
When I arrived back at Avalon, the harbor patrol suggested that I tie off to 2 moorings on my bow (in anticipation of the storm) – which I did. The ropes that they use on the mooring balls are heavy nylon and I decided that if the weather got really bad, that nylon would work like a saw on my gel coat. Also, as a safety precaution, I decided that if I used some of my own ropes to loop around the mooring eyelet, it would be much easier to simply let the mooring line go if I needed to get away in a hurry.
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Joyride tied off to two mooring balls, wating for the storm that never came. In front are two of the excursion boats also tied to moorings. On the horizon 25 miles to the east is Los Angeles. |
As it turned out, it was much-ado-about-nothing, I felt the winds that night, but nothing that even kept me awake.
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These guys are not afraid of much. And they are everywhere. |
Part of the reason for this trip was to spend some time off the bike. In fact, I didn’t even bring my road bike along on this voyage. My first morning in Avalon, I hiked around the south route (which I have done before). It is approximately 4 miles out a flat road along the coast and then up, into the hills. It is a very scenic route that climbs high over the Avalon harbor.
the second morning I took off walking without a route plan. I just wanted a
brisk 2 hour walk. I headed north out of town and walked along a nice 2-3%
incline road along a golf course. There is also a local school along the route.
My server at Avalon Grille last night said that he had grown up here and went
to that school.
I began to see signs demarking a botanical garden ahead. I arrived at the entrance to the park and after paying the $7 entry fee I continued along a beautiful island garden. At the far end of the road I saw a huge brick building (pictured left) – more of a shrine really. When I got there I noticed another sign pointing to a path that promised 360’ views at the top. It was worth the walk.
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Shrine at the top of the botanical gardens. To the right is the path to the tip of the mountains. 1600' of elevation in only 1.5 miles. |
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This was the view from the top. Off on the horizon is the town of Avalon where Joyride is moored and where I walked from. |
It turned out to be a very challenging 1.5 mile walk to the top. Once I arrived I could see the other side of the island along with some amazing views of Avalon through the valley below.
By the time I arrived back into town I had walked nearly 10 miles; half of them up hill. Definitely one hardest and longest walks I ever done.
Day 4 - Epic bike ride on a folding bike
I brought along the folding bikes and could not resist making a training ride. I rode the 4 mile route 3 times including 2/5 miles of climbing on each lap. My legs were feeling the strange bike position after the efforts. I also rode another 15 miles all around Avalon – Descanso beach, Botanical Gardens, etc.
Avalon to Two Harbors – Day 5
After three nights at Avalon it was time to move along. Honestly I could have stayed here for 2 weeks but one of my objectives on this trip was to experience new places.
Two Harbors is located 14 miles north of Avalon at the near tip of Catalina Island. There are “two” harbors – one located on the east side of the island and the other on the west. Each harbor has a couple of coves. The eastern side is larger and it is where the “facilities” are located.
It was a beautiful but uneventful cruise along the mountainous Catalina coastline. When I arrived I checked in with the harbor Patrol on VHF channel 12.
The mooring I was assigned at Ithimus Bay was near the entrance of the harbor, providing nothing in the way of cover if the wind were to come in the wrong direction. And, low and behold, the strong NE wind blowing right into by port bow, made for the roughest night so far. I rolled and pounded most of the night. On this night, I was in bed with lights out by 8:00 (It seems so hard to stay up late while I am at sea) But after awaking several times to check the mooring, I finally threw in the towel around 7:00 and filled up the coffee pot. I think I got somewhere around 5-6 hours of decent sleep.
The morning was beautiful – a bright sun rising behind the mountains and shining into the salon. Mornings at Catalina are Zenlike - definitely my favorite part of the day. I took my time -drinking almost an entire pot of coffee, then packed my folding bike, a change of clothes and a shower bag in the dingy and idled into the pier at Two Harbors.
There is one restaurant at Two Harbors located right off the pier as you make landfall (pictured below). More like a grass hut with glass windows and plastic chairs. Supposedly the steak is above average, if you can eat before the flies eat it first. The restaurant/bar serves as the primary gathering point. Next door is a small general store stocked full of snacks, sunscreen and every Cali imprinted t-shirt, visor and shot glass ever made. Dotting the hills surrounding the beach are 20-25 flat roof houses – all a painted a slightly different shade of mud, approximately the same color as the dirt roads to and from. I think Clint Eastwood filmed the movie “High Plains Drifter" here.
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Behind the palm tress is the patio of the only restaurant in town. |
There were several people wandering around and I learned that there was to be a wedding there later in the day. I was thinking with all these people here, there must be a vacant trailer park somewhere near LA.
I rode my bike around the town then took the short, quarter mile ride over to Catalina Harbor (the outer side of the island) to check out the cove. It’s a narrow cove, and very desolate that looked to provide very good cover from the open ocean in the event of a storm.
There’s only one public shower facility at Two Harbors. With the severe water shortage, they are forced to charge for a shower - $2.00 for 2 minutes. I shaved in the sink and then deposited my 8 quarters, hoping the water would not be ice cold. To my surprise, it was toasty hot! As it turns out, 2 minutes is plenty if you’re not shaving your head, face, chest and legs. Dang, once I quit bike racing I’ll have so much more leisure time – not to mention a huge savings in my water bill.
Two Harbors to Dana Point – Day 6
I checked the weather forecast and it was a perfect day for cruising. I set a course for Dana Point only 35 nautical miles away, and cast off.
Today was my first go at running the boat from the lower helm long range. The Hawkeye’s were playing at 12:30. So, as I write this, I am halfway between Two Harbors, Catalina and Dana Point, with the Hawkeye game on TV and the auto pilot pointing the way @ 8.5 knots.
Dana Point Harbor
You’re never the toughest, or the biggest, or the fastest. But as it turns out, our little 50’ motor yacht is too big for any of the slips at Dana Point. Actually having said that, I’m fairly certain that the nice young (probably blonde) gal manning the VHF radio probably didn’t understand the term “end tie”. None the less, I spent the night at anchor in a moorage inside the breakwater, so all was good.
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On Sunday morning there were hundreds of people enjoyed the fall morning and stand up paddleboards. |
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Because the bay is so sheltered from the open ocean, there are lots of small boats and kayaks. Lots of racing kayaks in formation behind sailboats- riding their wake. |
I have been on a binge lately and have been eating $15 baked potatoes. They take 90 minutes in the microwave but the microwave takes too much power to run on the inverter, so I leave the generator running an extra 90 minutes, just to cook the potato. In fact my typical MO when I arrive in port is to foil wrap a spud and get it cooking, then light a stogie and wash down the boat. A quick wash down takes about 60 minutes. By then it’s time to crack open a bottle of vino and throw a piece of protein on the Barbie.
a full belly and a couple glasses of weeknight wine, I find it hard to stay
awake much past 8:00. I typically settle into my cabin with a “fun size” pack
of peanut M&M’s and one of those funky individually wrapped toothpicks that
have a brush on the end.
Morning in Dana – Day 7
phone rang early this morning with the lovely sound of my wife’s voice from
Spain, on the other end. It has been a challenge connecting this week. With an
8 hour time difference and my sporadic cell phone reception while at sea, we
have spoken less than once a day. This week has been a contrast in lifestyles.
For the most part, I am completely alone. In fact, I am reflecting on the
observation that other than hailing a mooring on the radio, and talking to her
every other day, I have not heard the sound of my own voice for almost a week.
I’ve never minded alone time.It’s Sunday morning 9:45. Fifteen minutes until Hope Online. Not sure what the rest of the day holds in store. That’s the way I have been rolling on this trip. It’s usually a game day decision. Without checking, I’d guess it’s roughly 60 nautical miles back to SD. I could hang around here today…or not.
Back to
a great morning service (www.hopeonline.org)
I decided that I had seen everything I needed to see at Dana Point, at least
without unstrapping the dingy, so I tooled around the harbor just to check
things out before my last leg to San Diego. Dana seems to have a really nice
vibe. Calm, quite, thousands of stand up paddle boarders and an obligatory
yacht club or two.
I was setting the waypoints on the Raymarine a distress signal came across
channel 16. A fishing captain was reporting that I 40-50’ grey whale was caught
in a lobster trap. He read out the coordinates which happen to in the vicinity
of my route. So, I plugged the new coordinate in and pushed the throttle down.
rarely run this hard, partly because it just doesn’t seem civilized and also
because at wide open throttle she burns around 40 gallons per hour – multiply
that times $3.00 a gallon and you can almost watch the bank account drain. But,
this 40 ton motor yacht absolutely purrs when she’s high up on plane. I backed
the throttle down to ¾ and enjoyed the exhilaration of 18 knots for almost an
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This is what a lobster trap bobber looks like. In fact this a fairly large and visible bobber. There are literally thousands of these dotting the kelp beds. |
whale parties had switched to channel 22. The Coast Guard was directing traffic
with the captain on the scene service as the eyes. I could see the boats about
5 miles ahead when the captain chirped in to report that the whale had freed
himself and was nowhere to be seen. I’m
not sure if the Coast Guard was suspicious that this had been a hoax, but he
asked for all sorts of information from the captain; name of the boat, CF’s,
captains name, address, phone. Then he asked if any pictures were taken of the
whale. The captains reply – “Yes, in fact one of my passengers took video”.
That was good proof to me that this was not a hoax.
take their whale safety pretty seriously here,in the Pacific.
I adjusted my course I realized that I had seen very little aquatic life on
this trip. I every past trip we have seen hundreds of dolphins, seals, sea
lions, various species of foul. Once I saw the torso and tail fin of a large
grey whale.
approximately 40 miles still to go, I backed the throttle down to my favorite
cruising speed -9 knots. At this speed I feel like I am making good time but at
the same time feeling relaxed.
when a very large and very confident seagull glided in and touched down dead
center on my bow. He rode with me the entire way back (40 miles) and only
lifted off when the spray from other boats’ wakes blew over my bow at Pt. Loma.
I wondered – where is he going? Are seagulls like eagles and always fly alone?
Or maybe he’s just killing time while Mrs. Seagull is off in far-away places
pursuing her passion.
rounded the corner at Pt. Loma and was tucked in safely back at Bay Club, slip
F18 by 4:00 pm.
As every good sea captain understands, the trip is not complete without the tedious work of clean-up. I broke out the brushes, buckets and boat soap and spent 2 hours taking off the first layer of salt and sea.
Lessons Learned on this Trip
For weather forecasting I need
something more than my cell phone service. When I am away from shore (or other
places like Avalon, that have cell service) I have no way of getting real time
updates. With the possibility of ever changing weather patterns, and as I start
to make longer passages, I will need something better.
Don’t try to keep all of the salt off
the boat. It takes around 3 hours to clean the boat after a windy day at sea.
Clean the boat thoroughly once you are tied off at your mooring and then accept
that you are living on salt water.
You can strap down the dingy without
dropping the straps into the water.
On a mooring ball that ties off the bow
and stern, try to tie off on the port side to avoid the connecting rope when
loading and unloading the dingy onto the Freedom Lift.
The water maker failed – showing an
indicator message. I shut it down and then restarted. It seemed to be working
fine, but I can’t tell how much water I made.
Raw Water Loss - After securing my
mooring at Two Harbors and washing down Joyride, I took the dingy into the
restaurant. I left the Genset running in the hope that it would charge the
battery bank while I was gone and I could shut it off for the evening. However,
when I returned to the boat, the Genset was not running and the display
indicated the it had experienced a “raw water loss”. I –restarted it, and it seemed
to run just fine. I surmised that maybe a kelp leaf had gotten sucked into the
intake and that once the Genset stopped, there was no longer any suction and then
obstruction floated free.
7. The
generator does not have unlimited capacity. You can’t run TV, hot water heater,
AC’s and water maker all at the same time. The Genset shut down and displayed
an indicator that AC capacity had been exceeded. I shut off the water maker and
it seems to be functioning back to normal.
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